Emily Hair
licensed professional counselor
frequently asked questions
How can therapy help?
A number of benefits are available from participating in therapy. Therapists can provide support, coping strategies for issues such as depression and anxiety, relationship concerns, unresolved childhood issues, grief, stress management, and eating disorders and body image concerns. Many people find that therapists can be a tremendous asset for personal growth and managing the hassles of everyday life. Therapists provide a fresh perspective on a difficult problem or may help point you in a different direction. Benefits of therapy may include attaining a better understanding of yourself, goals, and values, developing skills to improve your relationships, changing old patterns of behavior, and improving self-confidence and self-esteem.
How long will I need to participate in therapy before I feel better?
Therapy is an individualized process, but the more you commit to attending therapy appointments consistently, the better results you may see. Individuals often begin therapy on a weekly basis until they feel they have made enough progress to decrease sessions. Depending on your needs, therapy may be short-term to address a specific problem or more long-term to deal with difficult patterns or for personal growth. The process of recovering from an eating disorder requirements a consistent, long-term commitment and dedication to therapy to see long-lasting changes.
What can I expect to happen in a therapy session?
Because each person has different presenting concerns and goals, therapy will look differently for every one. In general, you can expect to discuss current events happening in your life, your personal history related to your concerns, and to discuss current progress and steps made toward your goals. The more you actively participate in therapy sessions, the better results you will see. The ultimate purpose of therapy is to bring what you learn in session into your personal life. Beyond the work we do in sessions, I may also suggest specific work to practice outside of sessions to support your therapy process including journaling, reading pertinent books, and noting particular unhelpful behaviors and replacing them with more helpful actions.
Im seeking treatment for my eating disorder, what should I expect?
We will complete an intake assessment to address your unique needs, develop goals, and to determine if the outpatient level of care is supportive of where you are in the process of recovery. Eating disorders are best treated through a multidisciplinary treatment team which includes a therapist, psychiatrist, medical doctor, dietician, and family therapist (if needed). Eating disorders are complex mental health disorders and it is important we address all factors together that are contributing to current behaviors. We will determine which path is best for your recovery together and I will help you connect with resources you may need to enhance your success in recovery.
What are some helpful resources?
These are some of my favorite resources to accompany the therapy process: Intuitive Eating & the Intuitive Eating Workbook by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch, Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield, 8 Keys to Recovery From an Eating Disorder by Carolyn Costin, Goodbye Ed, Hello me by Jenni Schaefer, DBT Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay, & Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.